Mobile Device Usage Agreement

Terms and Conditions

I. Introduction

This Mobile Device Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between you ("User" or "Users") and the Blunt Head Club ("Private Organization" or "the Club"). The Agreement governs the terms under which Users may access and use mobile devices secured by the Club for personal use.

II. Definitions

III. General Conditions

The Device is to be used for personal activities as permitted by the Club, guided by the CannabisCreed and Joints & Filters documents.

IV. Device Information

Devices provided are registered and monitored by the Private Organization. These devices operate digitally and are not confined to any specific geographic jurisdiction.

V. Scope

A. Purpose of Device Use

Devices are intended for personal tasks, guided by the principles outlined in the CannabisCreed and Joints & Filters documents.

B. Areas and Time Constraints

The Device is not subject to geographic constraints and can be used freely for personal use as per Club guidelines.

VI. Security Measures

A. Authentication Requirements

Users are required to use multi-factor authentication methods such as passwords and biometrics.

B. DNS Filter and VPN

The Device uses a DNS filter and VPN. This is the only method the Club uses to monitor the Device.

VII. Data Management

A. Types of Allowed Data

Data stored or transferred should align with the guidelines specified in the CannabisCreed and Joints & Filters documents.

B. Data Backup and Encryption

All data is encrypted and solely accessible by the Club.

VIII. Software

A. Pre-Installed Apps

The Device will come pre-loaded with applications deemed useful for personal activities by the Club.

B. Software Update Policy

Users are required to keep the software updated as per Club guidelines.

IX. Compliance and Legal

Users must abide by the principles and operational guidelines set forth in the CannabisCreed and Joints & Filters documents.

X. Data Security Measures

All data stored or transferred via the Device is encrypted and solely accessible by the Club. Third parties will not have any access, either through normal or technical means.

XI. Limitation of Liability & Indemnity

The Club is not liable for any personal data loss. Users will indemnify the Private Organization for any misuse of the Device.

XII. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising out of this Agreement will be governed by the guidelines set forth in the CannabisCreed and Joints & Filters documents.

XIII. Changes to Terms

The Club reserves the right to modify the terms of this Agreement upon reasonable notice to Users.